Topic outline
This course is organised into a 10-week structure. The first and last weeks provide an introduction and a conclusion to the course. The remaining eight weeks are organised into 4 fortnightly modules, each module focusing on a different context for entrepreneurship.
The materials for each week include media presentations, readings, and learning tasks for you to complete.
Each of the 10 weeks in this course contains learning materials, resources, tasks and guidance to help you complete the course.
You can expect to work 10-12 hours each week on course materials and activities. This includes watching video presentations, readings, completing learning activities and assessment. Note that this time is an approximate estimate – depending on your existing knowledge and study skills, it may take you longer or shorter than 10 hours. The first two or three weeks will give you a good indication of how long it takes you to work through the course materials.
Each week has a number of multimedia presentations with a combination of presentation slides and an explanation from the course teaching team. These presentations offer a synthesis of relevant readings and other information sources and focus on key concepts for this course.
Understanding the concepts and ideas discussed in the presentations is essential to complete this course successfully. While there will be references to external readings in the presentation slides, these readings are usually not required. In other words, they are resources for you to learn more about the concepts discussed in the presentations if you have a specific interest in these topics. However, it is not necessary for you to read the original sources to be successful in this course. Where there are readings that are required, these are clearly listed in the learning tasks.
Learning Tasks
Each week will contain a number of learning tasks. These tasks will focus on understanding and applying course content to case studies, discussing your understanding with teaching staff and peers, and reflecting on your own learning.
The online activities will demand two things from you. First, you are expected to engage with the course content and demonstrate this engagement in the learning tasks. This may involve searching for information, learning to apply new models and frameworks, working through suggested readings or developing written work.
Second, you will be expected to engage with your fellow students. Such interaction is an important part of learning. By engaging with other people’s views, and practising articulating and presenting your own views, your understanding of the course concepts and ideas will become broader and deeper.
The learning tasks you complete each week link directly to course assessment. Therefore, it is important that you engage in these tasks so that you can not only develop your knowledge and skills through practice but also receive feedback that you can use to refine your work before submitting it for formal assessment.
Course Schedule
Week Topic 1 Innovation and entrepreneurship foundations 2 Social Entrepreneurship (Part 1) 3 Social Entrepreneurship (Part 2) 4 Technology Innovation and Commercialisation (Part 1) 5 Technology Innovation and Commercialisation (Part 2) 6 Corporate Entrepreneurship (Part 1) 7 Corporate Entrepreneurship (Part 2) 8 Family Business Entrepreneurship (Part 1) 9 Family Business Entrepreneurship (Part 2) 10 Course Summary and Review