Topic outline
The Moodle Formulas question type is one of the suite of question types available in Moodle Quiz.
The question type is very powerful and is a significant upgrade to the existing calculated question type.
It can:
- Make questions with large numbers of random variables so each student gets a unique data set
- Ask students questions that require algebraic answers
- Ask multistep questions that build on each other/use the same variables
- Give students partial marks if they enter an incorrect solution into part a, but then use that number to find the relatively correct answer to part b
- Assign marks for skills such as rounding (decimal places or significant figures), units etc.
- Create questions involving various answer structures such as coordinate, polynomial and matrix by placing answer fields anywhere in the question
These functionalities can simplify the creation of questions in many fields related to mathematics, numbers, and units, such as physics, health sciences, business, and engineering.
Watch out for this: We strongly recommend that you test your questions using the preview function with a number of different answers (reasonable & unreasonable), to make sure that the question works before giving it to students.Also, given that this Moodle question type is not yet especially robust, we recommend not using it for summative assessments yet. Further development is pending.
This website will work through the creation of Formulas questions at various levels of difficulty.
We have also included two resources at the bottom of this page which work through the steps of creating Formulas questions, at varying levels of difficulty, including screenshots and detailed instructions. -
Examples of formulas questions
You can see some examples of Formulas questions embedded below. You can enter answers in these question and try them out.
A collection of sample questions you can build, with step-by-step instructions (Many thanks to Kitty Pham for building this resource, which has been the basis for this website).
118.5 KB Word 2007 document Uploaded 25/11/22, 11:10
A range of question types (various degrees of difficulty) with specific step-by-step instructions. This resource was used at a Moodle workshop in 2022. (Many thanks to Richard McInnes for producing this resource.)