Topic outline
Now we'll develop the example question further, to add a unit to the answer and include basic unit conversions.
You can apply this type of question when the answer requires a unit, particularly when the question relates to ’real-world’ or industry specific scenarios.
The example we'll use here is:
The trip from town A to town B is (random number) km and the trip from town B to town C is (random number) km.
Calculate the total distance traveled for the two trips.
You can see the final version of the question embedded at the bottom of this page.
(We have included an .xml file of this question below. You can download this and import it into your course website question bank. Use it to develop your own basic formula questions.)
1. Create and name the formula question. Add random and global variables and the main question text. Set up the allowable error.
2. Specify the correct unit for the answer, using standard abbreviations.3. Write the text for the question, including the variables in curly brackets, and define a space for the student's answer, as usual. Now define another answer space for the unit, in the format {_u}.
4. Make sure that you include instructions to the students to include the unit in their answer and advise them that units are format and case specific.
5. Under Extra options, you can choose whether or not to allow basic conversion rules, which will automatically mark the unit correct if the answer is correctly converted to any standard SI unit acknowledged by Moodle. This function is automatically turned on when you create a new question.
Refer to the list of standard Si units.
6. Add feedback, and instantiate if you wish.
7. Save and preview your question.
You can see the final form of the example question embedded below. Try inputting different answers to see how the question responds.
You can import this question into your course question bank. You can then copy and adapt it.
Administration - Course administration - Question bank - Import - Moodle xml format - Choose the file - Import. (Watch a video on how to import the question into a course website.)