Topic outline

  • Note: When re-submitting an assignment you must keep the file name the same as the original submission. If you change the file name, Turnitin will view it as a new document and compare it against your original submission, resulting in a 100% similarity score. If you keep the file name the same, Turnitin will view it as the same assignment and you'll receive an accurate similarity score.

    Navigate to your learnOnline course site.

    1. Click Assessment.
    2. Click Assignments.
      Screenshot showing the left hand navigation menu and the assessment icon

    3. Click the assignment that you want to re-submit.
      Screenshot showing a summative assignment in the assignment section.

    4. Click the Edit submission button.
      Screenshot showing the edit submission button.

    5. Click the check-box to agree to the conditions.
    6. Click the assignment you want to replace.
      Screenshot showing the declaration of originality and the submitted assignment that will be replaced.

    7. Click the Delete button.
      Screenshot showing the delete button for the selected assignment.

    8. Click the OK button.
      Screenshot showing the confirmation to delete window.

    9. Drag and drop the new assignment file onto the page.
    10. Click the Save changes button.
      Screenshot showing the upload window for assignments and the save changes button.