Topic outline

  • You will be required to contribute to various online activities that may require you to add text, images or video. The editing toolbar shown in the image below is common throughout learnOnline pages and will display when you post to a course forum, contribute to a wiki and engage in other online activities. The image below has each button numbered which corresponds to the functional descriptions below the image.

    Screenshot of the atto text editor

    1. Heading styles
    2. Bold text
    3. Italic text
    4. Underline text
    5. Strike through 
    6. Subscript
    7. Superscript
    8. Highlight text 
    9. Unordered list
    10. Ordered list
    11. Outdent

    12. Indent
    13. Left align 
    14. centre 
    15. Right align
    16. Insert or edit image
    17. Computer science editor 
    18. Matrix editor 
    19. Equation editor
    20. Insert and edit table
    21. Bootstrap grid
    22. Insert characters

    23. Horizontal line 
    24. Create link
    25. Unlink
    26. Paste special
    27. Clear formatting
    28. Undo
    29. Redo
    30. Check web accessibility
    31. Screen reader helper
    32. HTML view
    33. Full-screen view