Topic outline

  • Learners who connect with staff and peers early on in their studies often experience a more positive and successful transition into university.  By introducing yourself to others early in your Course, checking your emails and forum posts regularly, and engaging actively in online discussions you may build some long-lasting and rewarding connections.  The UniSA Online community includes:

    • Staff: keep communication channels open with your Online Course Facilitators, Online Tutors and your Student Adviser so that they get to know you
    • Peers: get to know other students in your Course by forming online study groups and holding online meetings to prepare for activities, assignments and exams
    • Industry: check your Degree page to find out how you can contact people in your profession and establish useful connections for when you are ready to start or expand your career

    Listen to staff and students talk about the importance of creating networks.  

    Video length2 minutes, 33 seconds (Video transcript)

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